Thanatology Thursday: BUBBLES!!

Way back in September, I wrote a post about vanitas art. At the end, I promised a post on one particular theme in vanitas art, which is a favorite: bubbles. I mean, who doesn’t love bubbles. But, what do these soapy, opalescent orbs have to do with death? Quite simply, there is probably no object […]

Wise Words Wednesday: Poe

This quote from Poe goes right along with our thoughts from yesterday. What is death? What is life? What does it mean to be alive?

Media Monday: Want to watch along with me?

I’m a pop culture nerd. I love television and movies and while podcasts have begun to fill my time with more regularity, I still probably spend more time watching television than I should. Since becoming a departure doula, however, I’m beginning to view television and movies and most popular culture from a new perspective. There […]

Wise Words Wednesday

This quote made me think of an interview I saw this week with documentary film maker, Ken Burns, about the death of his mother when he was a child and the connection of that grief to his work. “The half-life of grief is endless. But it has also been hugely productive. … I didn’t want […]


My mother died in June of 2019. It took us months to decide on a gravestone, and the the pandemic slowed everything down. It was finally installed after Thanksgiving, but then it was winter. Yesterday we finally had a beautiful day to visit in person. Her sisters and mother (who turns 91 today. Happy birthday, […]

Media Monday: What does mass media tell us about death?

This winter I’ve been studying thanatology (study of death and dying and how we deal with it socially, psychologically and through arts and humanities) with a text I bought myself for Christmas. One of the first issues brought up in the text is how society, namely media and the arts makes us think about and […]

Send A Card & Share Your Healthcare Heart

Yesterday was National Send a Card to a Friend Day so I assembled some packages I’ve been meaning to send out. Also, The Heart of Hospice Organization is encouraging us to send a message to three healthcare workers this week for Valentine’s Day. Send an email, text or note to people you know who have […]