What Are You Afraid Of?

Tomorrow is designated as Talk About It Day here in the US. It’s a day designated to remind us all of the importance of mental health and to remove the stigma of seeking help for our mental wellness. Good mental health, our peace of mind, is a huge part of living a more fulfilling life […]

Time to Talk

In the UK an organization called Time to Change began recognition of this day as Time to Talk Day. Here in the US, it is observed on Saturday, February 6. It is observed to help bring awareness of the stigma mental illness has among the public and to help remove that stigma by encouraging us […]

Plants and legacies

My mother’s Thanksgiving cactus is blooming again. It makes me feel like it’s her sending me her love, a sign, that she’s still with me. I love thinking that my mom’s energy is out there nurturing the plants and flowers she always loved. I do not have a very green thumb, but I’m so thankful […]

Minding my mindfulness

I was so optimistic about so many things for 2021, but, man, has it gotten off to a rough start. So many personal challenges in my family, so much turmoil in our country and the number of deaths and illnesses from an ongoing pandemic have surpassed the levels reached nine – 10 months ago. We’re […]

Planning for a new year in a new world

Optimistically planning some things for the new year. It’s been a difficult year for all of us in so many ways. I’m focusing on new content and new ways to connect with others in this new time and world. I’m excited to see where 2021 takes me. Is there something you are planning for the […]

Old photos and new grief

Lots of feelings and grief have been nudging, bumping and sneaking around me this month. My dad is moving and our relationship has changed dramatically in the past several months. Losing a powerful force like my mom left a empty place in our family that changed all our relationships and dynamics. You end up grieving […]

Wise Words Wednesday: Anderson

“Our society has tried to make death invisible, thinking that if we ignore it long enough it will go away. Often we as family and loved ones are so afraid of death that even mentioning the word to terminal patients is taboo. We think the dying are oblivious to what is happening to them. Sadly, […]