May is Mental Health Awareness month, and the message from NAMI is “You are Enough.” That messaging goes hand in hand with a set of videos I’m doing in preparation for a lengthy one about existence and existential crises for YouTube. I’ll let you know when that’s ready
Basically, being self-aware is hugely important for our sense of safety and security and mental health. If we define ourselves by others’ criteria, we will never really know ourselves and what brings us joy and contentment. And if you can’t find a socially defined box within which to fit, you are enough in your single small box that defies categorization. Being human, here, on this plane of existence, right here, right now is enough. You have value and you belong.
P.S. if you are local, I’m co-facilitating a one-day women’s retreat June 17. We’ll be doing a lot of this soul-searching, self-discovery and radical self-care work that’s so important for our mental health. Contact me for more info and to register. There’s an early bird discount until Saturday.